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April Fallon
Yoga Instructor
Overlooking the shore of Lake Michigan was where the seed of yoga was planted - on a beach towel - no mat in sight.
Formal Training includes:
200 Hours Teacher Training Asheville Yoga Center, Asheville, N.C.
100 Prana Yogan Center Ayurvedic Foundations, Ft. Wayne, IN
Yoga Kids International Foundations Certification, New Buffalo, MI
Special Needs Adult Yoga UK Global Certification
Pure Yoga Workshop Training Asheville, N.C.
Influential yoga studios and instructors include:
Don and Marsha Wenig of Dancing Feet Yoga,
Asheville Yoga Center and Asheville Community Yoga
Kathleen Flanagan
Michael Johnson
Kim Puryer
I am honored to be part of your yogic path - thank you for being part of mine.
With loving kindness,
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